Monday, March 2, 2009

Crohn's Disease - Important New Information

There are bugs in your colon that are your friends. There are also some bugs that you do not want there. They seem to be the ones that cause inflammation problems for Crohns patients.

We gastroenterology physicians have always known that colon bacteria play a key role in Crohns Disease. No bugs, no inflammation. We now know a lot more about Crohns and how the different types of colon bacteria may effect the disease. This new information is a bit startling in as much as it finally may allow Crohns patients to more fully participate in their own well-being by managing their diet in a more scoience based manner. You are referred to my full essay
Dietary Therapy for Crohns Disease.

The most important fact to understand is that y
ou want to enhance the growth of good colon bacteria and retard that of the bad ones, the ones that are likely the injurious ones

How do you do that? Medical research is now giving us some answers. We now know that the beneficial bugs, primarily the Bifidobacter and Lactobacillus, thrive when we eat enough of foods that are rich in prebiotic fibers. (For my detailed description, go to Prebiotics.) 

Eating enough of these foods and taking a prebiotic supplement is likely an important part of therapy along with the recommendations of your physician. 

Let me outline 5 major important points for Crohns patients, points that are new and not yet widely known by patients.

  1. Bad Bugs-Good Bugs. Crohns patients have a significant increase in the bad bacteria that adhere to the colon wall. This is where bacteria invade the intestine. Adequate prebiotic fibers can change this make up by reducing the bad actors and increasing the good ones, the ones that do not cause inflammation.

  2. A Leaky Gut. We now know that CD people have abnormal spaces between the lining cells of the colon. This almost certainly is the place where these invading bugs enter the colon and small bowel. Prebiotics act to tighten up these spaces and, hopefully, preventing inflammation from occuring.

  3. Spectacular Short Chain Fatty Acids. When the good bacteria, the Bifidos and Lactos, thrive, they generate short chain fatty acids (SCFA), a substance that helps nourish the colon's own cells. In addition it seems to act like a fire hose, significantly reducing inflammation.

  4. Impressive Immune Boost. Prebiotic food fibers also increase certain immune substances within the bowel wall. This enhanced local immunity seems to be useful in further reducing inflammation.

  5. Amazing Acidity. Increasing acidity within the colon reduces and even stops certain of the nasty bacteria in the bowel from growing, the ones we feel are part of the disease. You can not acidify the colon by eating acid foods like citrus fruit. You can do it by eating prebiotic containing foods or supplements. These, in turn, cause the production of SCFAs which are acid and seem to exert this good effect in the colon.
There is evidence in the medical literature to support the above.  Some is not as firmly established as we would wish, but most of it is going in the right direction. The fact that making major changes in the eating patterns of Crohns patients could significantly improve their disease is startling to those of us who have been reading the medical literature and who have treated so many of these patients in the past. 

Our Prebiotin product can provide a regular dose of prebiotics each day. 

In the past it seemed that diet was not particularly important and we usually recommended that patients just eat what agreed with them, whatever that was. Now we seem to be at a threshold where patients can become active participants in their own therapy. What a remarkable and welcomed fact that is!

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