Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Overdue Intro

In reviewing my first couple posts, I realize I never really kicked off this blog - I rather just 'jumped in'. So let's rectify that:

OK, I am a trained gastroenterolgist MD, but a total amateur in the blogoshere. So I now tip my toe in the waters of the blog.

I am the founder of Jackson GI Medical ( By founder I mean I wrote all the copy on the site, vouch for its accuracy and medical credibility, helped direct the creation of the web site and brought our first product, Prebiotin, to the e-commerce market. Then it got really hard and, frankly, less interesting. Running a company was just totally different from coming up with good medically sound ideas and writing for the public and patients.

Enter Kris Chronister ( By an incredibly happy coincidence we met some time ago. Now we are a solid team. His skills and vision on running a company merged very well with mine.

The idea of bringing medically credible dietary info and products to the public and patients alike was a natural for both of us. So, he is now the CEO and I am now back in the laboratory and at my desk where I can use my own skills to the best of all our advantage-both you the public and we the company.

My plan is to get solid good dietary information to the the healthy public as well as to gastroenterology patients. For sure, I will speak in a very easily understandable manner on how the gut works and what we all can do to make it support us and keep us healthy. I can not speak to any specific person about their medical problems. That just doesn't work on the blog, professionally speaking.

But I do want to hear from the public with their own comments, opinions and general dietary questions. I promise to provide good information supported by medical facts and evidence to the extent it is available.

My next blog topics in no particular order will be:

  • Peanut butter and the gut
  • The new era of prebiotics
  • Crohns disease and prebiotic fiber
  • Whatever happened to natural fiber ( why has fiber become a buzz word for good health?)
  • Ulcerative colitis and prebiotic fiber
  • Prebiotics fibers and appetite/weight loss ( I promise no hype or lies!)
  • Cancer (many kinds), polyps, diet and fiber.
  • Diverticulosis- why do we get this disorder and what can we do we do about it?

Ok, this is a start. If you have topics you would like me to address, please let me know.

So stay tuned to my blog - and to We have several new products in the design stage which will provide solid health benefits without the hype.

Frank W Jackson, MD

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