High blood pressure is very common – 1 in 10 Americans has high blood pressure. Since 1984, the month of May has been proclaimed National Blood Pressure Awareness Month in the United States. The official motto of the blood pressure awareness initiative is “know your numbers”. Unfortunately, many people that have hypertension do not know that they have it. So self awareness and education is key to preventing the possible catastrophic outcomes – heart attack and stroke.
High Blood Pressure Awareness
High blood pressure is related to high salt or sodium intake, diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, and is part of the metabolic syndrome. The later consists of hypertension, overweight coronary heart factors and early diabetes. A significant finding in many of these persons is an abnormal mix of colon bacteria. These bugs are now front and center in the medical community because we now know that a healthy mix of bacteria provide many health benefits. On the other side of the coin, it is known that when bad bacteria predominate in the gut, that this seems to lead to a leaky abnormal gut wall. In turn, bacteria and endotoxins (commonly called toxins) can seep through and into the blood stream. They have been implicated in a number of medical conditions.
What to do?
Each of the above conditions requires the physician’s overview. But prebiotics can play a role in their treatment. Prebiotics are natural plant fibers that exert a beneficial role in correcting the abnormal condition in the colon. As these conditions come back to normal, it can be assumed that blood pressure control is better. Hypertension treatment, especially when it is combined with other of the above conditions, generally consists of:
- Less salt
- Blood sugar control
- Weight control
- An increase in plant foods that contain prebiotic fiber
- Regular exercise
- A diet rich in prebiotics or a prebiotic supplement such as Prebiotin
Plants rich in prebiotics
The general recommendation for total fiber intake each day is 35 grams in males and 25 grams for females depending on weight. When you read the labels on food, you will find that the word fiber is listed. This refers to total fiber including both insoluble and soluble fibers. These are both good and each provide a wide range of benefits. However, it is the soluble fibers that have the most benefit and within this group it is the prebiotic soluble fibers that are the best. You find these in onions, garlic, leeks, asparagus, yams, agave, chicory root, Jerusalem artichokes, and others. If you eat the recommended amount of total fiber in each day, you are likely getting enough prebiotics. To be sure a pure chicory root supplement like Prebiotin can be taken. A medical article on hypertension and prebiotics is provided below.
Anti-hypertensive Properties of Plant-Based Prebiotics
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