Thursday, April 28, 2011

Prebiotin Prebiotics to be featured on “Healthy House Call” Radio Talk Show

Jackson GI Medical’s Prebiotin Family of Prebiotic Dietary Supplements will be featured on “Healthy House Call,” a live call-in radio program that airs on Phoenix’s KFNX News / Talk radio and is streamed live on the internet. Follow this link to listen to the broadcast.

The next program is scheduled to air May 5, 2011 at 12:00p.m.edt / 9:00am mdt and will feature a live interview with Prebiotin’s maker, Frank W. Jackson M.D. The daily show is broadcast live from Healthy Habits Health Foods located at 6029 N 7th Street, in Phoenix, AZ. Additional segments will air in May and June of this year.

“We’re extremely excited to talk with the show’s host Dr. Dan Koontz about the importance of dietary prebiotics and educate his listeners on the health benefits realized by daily use of Prebiotin,”said Dr. Jackson, founder and chairman of Jackson GI Medical. “While bad bacteria spawn sickness, the good colonic bacteria brings health benefits such as stronger bones, strengthened immunity, reduced constipation, greater appetite control, Better glycemic, diabetic control and reduced blood triglyceride levels,” adds Jackson.

The prebiotic fibers in Prebiotin, Oligofructose-Enriched-Inulin, or OEI, are proven to stimulate good bacteria growth throughout the entire colon, thus optimizing the prebiotic benefits realized by taking it daily.

Prebiotin is an all-natural, plant-derived, full-spectrum prebiotic fiber. It’s made from chicory root and comes as a powder that can be stirred into liquids or sprinkled on cereal or oatmeal. It reaches your colon intact and nourishes the good bacteria living there.

Jackson GI Medical offers Prebiotin in four formulations:

It costs about .60 cents a serving. In the greater Phoenix area Prebiotin can be found at Healthy Habits Health Food and twoCooper Nutrition locations.

Additional live broadcasts featuring Prebiotin Prebiotics are scheduled for:

  • May 5th – 12:00p.m.edt / 9:00am mdt;
  • May 19th – 12:00p.m.edt / 9:00am mdt;
  • June 2nd – 12:00p.m.edt / 9:00am mdt
  • June 16th 12:00p.m.edt / 9:00am mdt.

Additional information about Prebiotin can be found by visiting Inquiries about offering Prebiotin in your store should be sent to

About Jackson GI Medical

Founded by Frank W. Jackson, M.D., Gastroenterologist, Jackson GI Medical is dedicated to the responsible development and marketing of medically credible nutritional supplements in an all-too-often irresponsible marketplace. We back our product with third-party medical research, and emphasize no-nonsense, no-hype educational materials on our site. A nutritionally-aware customer is our favorite customer, so please contact us if you have any suggestions. Or, visit our corporate website at

About Frank W. Jackson, M.D.

Dr. Jackson was educated at Princeton, Johns Hopkins and the University of Pennsylvania and practiced gastroenterology for almost 40 years. He is the founder of several companies, including Jackson GI Medical, Chek-Med Systems, GI Supply and Meducate. Dr. Jackson leads product development and medical research efforts for the company.

About Dr. Dan Koontz

Health Star Talk Show Host Dr. Dan Koontz is a nutritional expert with a medical background and is a walking talking encyclopedia of health and wellness knowledge. He has over 25 years of successful and market dominant broadcasting experience as a radio talk show host.

About “Healthy House Call”

“Healthy House Call” is broadcast live on KFNX ‘News-Talk Radio’ 1100., Monday through Friday 9 AM to 10 AM from Healthy Habit Health Foods It is also streamed broadcast live via the World Wide Web at, and; click the “Listen Live” button for streaming audio. Millions from all over the world have internet access to the show.

About Healthy Habit Health Foods

Healthy Habit Health Foods is the most stocked and best priced health store in the greater Phoenix area and is located at 6029 N 7th Street, Phoenix. Josh Hartman, the owner of Healthy Habit Health Foods is the executive producer of the show.

About Cooper’s Nutrition

Cooper’s Nutrition offers a diverse selection of products at discounted prices and feature a variety of vitamins, health supplements and specialty diet products, including a large line of gluten-free offerings. Cooper’s Nutrition operates two full-service health and nutritional supplement stores – 36889 N Tom Darlington, Carefree and 20701 N. Scottsdale Rd, Scottsdale, Az.

Press inquiries should be directed to or 855-GoodGut (855-466-3488)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Metabolic Syndrome and Brain Function – The Role of Prebiotics

Metabolic syndrome is very common. It consists of hypertension, overweight, abnormal cholesterol and/or triglycerides, prediabetes or actual diabetes, and, often, heart disease with atherosclerosis. A recent study published in Neurology (the peer-review journal published by the American Academy of Neurology) reported some remarkable findings on this condition:

  1. The bacteria mix in the colon, called the microflora, is abnormal. This, in turn, leads to damage to the wall of the gut whereby the gut becomes leaky or permeable and certain toxins and even bacteria leach into the bowel wall. Some of these move into the blood stream and cause further problems.
  2. It is known that certain plant fibers, called prebiotics, stimulate the good bacteria already in the gut to grow and displace the bad ones. It seems that this then improves and even corrects the leaky gut problem.
  3. A recent large study of people aged 65 and older showed that those with the metabolic syndrome had a significant decline in their mental function as measured by standard cognitive function tests (link below). Wow!

So, the metabolic syndrome not only leads to atherosclerosis and heart disease, but also to a decline in the way our brain works.

The Solution

Correct the metabolic syndrome with the standard means of weight and blood sugar control. And, correct the bacterial imbalance in the gut with prebiotics. Our Prebiotin is the premier prebiotic. Since cholesterol and/or triglyceride are always part of the metabolic syndrome, our Prebiotin Heart Health preparation is recommended.

Metabolic syndrome and cognitive decline in French elders

Related Articles:

Fatty Liver Disease, Gut Bateria and Prebiotic Fiber

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Probiotics and Stomach Acid

A question I frequently get is about probiotics and how to protect these possibly beneficial bugs from the very harsh stomach acid. There is more to this question than meets the eye, so let’s look at several parts of the probiotic picture. First, probiotics are bacteria, present in yogurt, other dairy products and pills. The hope is that these probiotics will establish a presence in the lower gut and render beneficial health effects.

Probiotics Are Live Organisms

As such they can live or die under a variety of circumstances. One such circumstance is time. Some bacteria make spores which can live for many years and then blossom and grow. Most probiotics do not make spores, so they gradually die off if they do not find a comfortable place to grow, meaning a moist, warm, friendly environment like the colon. However, when a probiotic sits on a shelf in a store, the bugs gradually die. The longer they are in a warehouse or on a store shelf the fewer live bacteria will be present. Refrigeration likely prolongs the life of probiotics but we don’t know for which ones and for how long. Most manufacturers will not tell you.

Yogurt and Probiotics

You can be sure that yogurt and other such dairy products have fresh, live bacteria in them. Plus, it is refrigerated. These are two good things. However, we do not know how many bacteria are in a serving and manufacturers do not put this on the labels. You could be getting a very small dose which would not be enough to make a difference. Additionally, many of these bacteria will be killed by stomach acid, especially when eaten with food.

Probiotics and Stomach Acid

Here is the tricky part of the probiotic puzzle. Stomach acid is very, very strong. It does and will kill the majority of bacteria that get into the stomach each day. So, how do you protect the probiotic bacteria you take from this “bacteria execution chamber” which everyone has inside them? Here are some things you can do. First, take the probiotic on an empty stomach. When the stomach is empty, it is not making much acid. You can open a capsule and mix it with a small amount of water. The stomach will empty out liquid in 15-20 minutes, but will keep food in it for 60-90 minutes. During this time it grinds the food up and mixes it with acid and harsh enzymes which are designed to get the food ready for absorption in the small intestine. Another trick you can do is to mix the probiotic with some bicarbonate of soda, a strong alkaline powder. This will neutralize the stomach acid temporarily until the probitoic can get through the stomach.

Coating a Probiotic

Some manufacturers will coat the bacteria with a whey (wheat) protein to resist stomach acid. We do not know how well this works and it is not for a celiac or wheat intolerant person. Another substance is called alginate which coats and protects the bacteria until it gets into the small intestine where it is safe. Again, we don’t really know how well this works. It sounds like it should. You have to check with the manufacturer to know if this is part of their production technique.

So here are the summary points:

  • Use a refrigerated probiotic which has just come onto the store shelf. The longer into the future is the expiration date, the more live probiotics are likely to be in the capsule.
  • Take a probiotic on an empty stomach with 4-6 oz of water. Even better, twist or cut the capsule and empty the powdered bacteria into a glass, add the water and a teaspoon of soda bicarbonate to neutralize the stomach acid.
  • Yogurt is great and most people get a good feeling that they are doing something good for their gut. We don’t know how much, but the adverisers tell us we will almost live forever if we eat their product.
  • There are some probiotics that are helpful for certain gastrointestinal diseases. Your physician is the person to help you make the right choice.

Prebiotics and Probiotics

No discussion of probiotics would be complete without mentioning prebiotics. A prebiotic is not a probiotic. A prebiotic is a specialized plant fiber that easily gets through the stomach unchanged and the feeds the good colon bacteria which everyone already has in their colon. That’s right. We have over a 1000 species of bacteria in the colon and many of these are the good gals and guys. Feeding them good prebiotic plant fiber is the key to creating a rich furnace of potent good bacteria. You can learn more about prebiotics from the 2 links below.

Learn about prebiotics on our website:

The Benefits of Prebiotics

Prebiotic Differences

Frequently Asked Questions about Prebiotics

Learn about health benefits of prebiotics: