What could be more appropriate than caring for the heart at Valentine's Day, both your own and the one that belongs to someone special. We now know so much about how this can be done. Let's talk about specifics:
If you already have Coronary Heart Disease, you know the imperatives that need to be followed:
- low fat diet
- weight control
- no smoking
- exercise, and
- less stress
However, cholesterol control remains an imperative as well. Medications such as the statins are a main stay for many people. We now know that certain supplements can also be helpful in controlling cholesterol. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has allowed a cholesterol claim for the supplement psyllium in a dose of 7 grams a day. Oat bran, like wise, will lower the cholesterol.
But is there a connection to cholesterol and the bacterial balance in our gut?
Perhaps. There is increasing evidence that there is a direct connection to Metabolic Syndrome, which has as one of its characteristicsatherogenic dyslipidemia. In other words, blood fat disorders that foster plaque buildups in artery walls such as high triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol and high LDL cholesterol.
Many people have this problem and prebiotics are a major and significant part of the treatment. This condition consists of the following:
- tendency toward or actual coronary heart disease
- overweight (excessive fat tissue in and around the abdomen)
- high blood pressure
- pre-diabetes or actual type 2 diabetes, and
- blood fat disorders
People with the metabolic syndrome are at an increased risk of coronary heart disease and other diseases related to plaque buildups in artery walls (e.g., stroke and peripheral vascular disease) and type 2 diabetes. The metabolic syndrome has become increasingly common in the United States. It’s estimated that over 50 million Americans have it.
A significant recent finding is that the bacterial makeup of the colon in people with metabolic syndrome is bad. There is a major shift from good to bad bacteria. This, in turn leads to inflammation and leakiness of the colon wall. This condition aggravates the metabolic syndrome.
Prebiotics are plant fibers of a very specific type that nourish the good bacteria in the colon. When these good bacteria thrive, they push out the bads ones and in so doing return the bowel wall to normal. Daily consumption of prebiotic rich food or a supplement can help correct this bacterial imbalance in those people with this condition.
For those of us who do not have coronary heart disease or metabolic syndrome and want to keep it that way, a shift towards a more “plant-based diet” may be necessary. Meat, poultry and fish are great but they should get an equal part of the dinner plate and not the larger portion that we grew up on. Plant based foods provide nutrients to the good bacteria in the colon that are just not present in meats, poultry and fish. What is important to remember is that a significant portion of the plants that we ingest are those that contain the natural prebiotics, oligofructose and inulin. What is the takeaway from this article? Prebiotics need to become a regular part of your nutrition. Our Prebiotin supplements give you the assurance that your intestinal balance is strengthened in a very active way. And for added assistance with cholesterol control Prebiotin-Heart Health is available. This formula contains a healthy blend of both psyllium and oat bran as well as the very best prebiotic, oligofructose enriched inulin.
So this valentines day, stay heart healthy by increasing your ingestion of prebiotics.